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Legend by Ozie C. Cargile II

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Download the thought-provoking and controversial audio book Bitch Mentality by La Veeta Ivory. Read by the author herself, listen as La Veeta Ivory takes you on a striking, inspirational journey that you will never forget.

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Bitch Mentality by La Veeta Ivory

A revelatory teacher and writer, La Veeta Ivory, “brings it home” in these pages with her own personal experiences. Bitch Mentality brings to us a striking reality in a great work of literature, unraveling the very fabric of promiscuity and “doggish” behaviors. This book is a timely, powerful, and enlightening inspirational message that is guaranteed to impact the lives of women for generations to come. Without question, it is a must read for those who never want to be used for Satan’s pleasure again.

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